
How to Manage Your English Class


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How to Manage Your English Class


Class Diaryの会話例

Class Dairyの会話例を紹介します。Lはリーダー(日直さん)です。CはChildrenの意味でクラスの子ども達です。

Leader (Shuhei): Class Dairy time. Put your things away.
Children: Yes. /All right. / OK.
L: Good. Are you ready?
C: Yes, I am. /Not yet.
L: OK. / Good. What class do you belong to?
C: I belong to Peach Class
L: All right. What's the date today?
C: It’s December 4th. .
L: Yes. What season is it?
C: It’s winter.
L: Good. What day of the week is it today?
C: It’s Thursday.
Teacher: Who is today’s leader? (これは小学3年生までのクラスだけ)
C: What’s your name? (これは小学3年生までのクラスだけ)
L: My name is Kazue.(これは小学3年生までのクラスだけ)
C: Good.(これは小学3年生までのクラスだけ)
L: Look at the clock? What time is it?
C: It’s 5:30.
L: Yes. Look at the sky. How's the weather?
C: It’s cloudy.
L: OK. Let me call you. Rikako.
Rikako: Here.
L: Here you are. (Attendance cardを渡す)
R: Thank you. (Attendance cardに日付を英語で書き込んだ後) Can I have one? (Attendance cardに出席の印として貼るシールをくださいとリーダーに伝える)
L: What sticker do you want?
R: Give me apple, please.
L: Yes.
R: Here you are. (リーダーにAttendance cardを渡す)
L: Thank you. Question Time. (リーダーに子ども達が質問する時間) Stand up, please.
C: Yes.
L: Raise you hands, please.
C: Yes.
L: Rikako.
R: Yes. I like red. Do you like red?
L: Yes, I do.
R: Thank you.
L: Good. Sit down, please.
R: Yes. (以下、同じ)

T: Today’s leader, Shuhei, is very good. Everyone, say thank you.
C: Shuhei, thank you.
L: You’re welcome.


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