
How to Manage Your English Class


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How to Manage Your English Class


We performed the play "Penny" at our Christmas Presentation on December 22nd, 1997.
Mother - Miho Shinke
Father - Kazue Kunimoto
Brother - Rikako Kunimoto
Sister - Mayuu Yoshioka
Mayumi - Mayumi Irita
Friend - Kanako Kohama

Mayumi: Hi. How are you?
Kanako: Hi, Mayumi. I'm fine. How are you?
Mayumi: I'm fine. It is my sister's birthday today. Let's go to the party.
Kanako: O.K. Yes, let's.
Mayumi: This is my house.
Kanako: How nice!
Mayumi: I'm home. Hi, Mom.
Miho: Hi,Mayumi.

Miho: Make yourself at home, please.
Kanako: Thank you. Who is she?
Rikako: She is my grandmother. She is short and fat.
Kanako: Who's he?
Mayuu: He is my grandfather. He is tall and thin.
Kanako: Do you like your grandparents?
Rikako & Mayuu: Yes, we do!!
Mayumi: Kanako! Come here.
Kanako: OK.

Rikako: I'm hungry.
Mayuu: What do you want?
Rikako: I want cake. What do you want?
Mayuu: I want ice cream.
Rikako. Oh! I want cake and ice cream.
Miho: Oh, well. Don't eat too much.

Miho: Let's begin Mayuu's birthday party!
Everyone: Yes, let's.
Everyone: Happy birthday, Mayuu!
Mayuu: Thank you.
Kanako: How old are you?
Mayuu: I'm 10 years old.
Kazue: This is for you.
Mayuu: Thank you. Wow! Purple sneakers!
Miho: This is for you.
Mayuu: Thank you. Wow! Purple sneakers!
Mayumi: This is for you.
Mayuu: Thank you. Wow! Purple sneakers!
Kanako: This is for you.
Mayuu: Thank you. Wow! Purple sneakers!
Rikako: This is for you.
Mayuu: Thank you. Wow! Purple sneakers!
Miho: How many sneakers do you have? Let's count!
Everyone: Good-bye!!

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